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Knight, P.G. (2019)
(Reaktion Books)

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Parsons, T. and Knight, P.G. (2015)
(Routledge, London) (see publisher's page) 
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Knight, P.G. (2015)
(Independently published through CreateSpace) 
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Knight, P.G. (ed.) (2006) (2009, Paperback ed.)
(Blackwell, Oxford. 512p.)  isbn: 1405100184
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Knight P.G. (2005) 
(Geographical Association, Sheffield)
now out of print. See "A Quick Introduction..." (above) for replacement text.
Parsons A.J. and Knight, P.G. (2005)
(Routledge, London) 
isbn: 0415341558
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Knight, P.G. and Parsons, A.J. (2003) 
(Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham (now Routledge, London)) 160p. isbn: 0-7487-6676-6
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Knight, P.G. (1999)
(Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham (now Routledge, London)) 261p. isbn: 0-7487-4000-7 
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Parsons A.J. and Knight, P.G. (1995) 
(Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham (now Routledge, London)) 151p. isbn: 0-412-55950-1 
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Cook, S.J., Swift, D.A., Kirkbride, M.P., Knight, P.G. and Waller, R.I. (2020) The empirical basis for modelling glacial erosion rates. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 6th February 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14583-8.

Wainwright, J., Parsons, A.J., Cooper, J.R., Gao, P. Gillies, J.A., Mao, L., Orford, J.D. and Knight, P.G. (2015) The concept of transport capacity in Geomorphology. REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS vol.53, pp.1155-1202. doi:10.1002/2014RG000474

Waller, R.I. and Knight, P.G. (2015) GLACIATED LANDSCAPES. (A-Level subject content overview). (Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, Online). 14p. Received a Gegraphical Association Publishers Award (link here) in April 2016.

Parsons, T. and Knight, P.G. (2015) HOW TO DO YOUR DISSERTATION IN GEOGRAPHY AND RELATED DISCIPLINES (3rd Edition)  (Routledge, London)

Cook, S.J., Knight, P.G., Knight, D.A. and Waller, R.I. (2012) Laboratory observations of sediment entrainment by freezing supercooled water. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER (A) 94 (3), 351-362.

Waller, R.I and Knight, P.G. (2012) Overcoming the barriers to the use of journal articles within the geosciences. PLANET 25, 27-32. (link to pdf)

Knight, P.G. (2011) Glaciology. in Singh, V.P. et al. (eds.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SNOW, ICE AND GLACIERS (Springer, Heidelberg)

Cook, S.J., Robinson, Z.P., Fairchild, I.J., Knight, P.G., Waller, R.I. & Boomer, I. (2010) The role of glaciohydraulic supercooling in the formation of stratified facies basal ice: Svínafellsjökull and Skaftafellsjökull, southeast Iceland. BOREAS 39, 24-38.

Cook, S.J. and Knight, P.G. (2009) Glaciohydraulic Supercooling. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 33 (5), 705-710.

Knight P.G. (2009) Drumlins; Cirques; Eskers; Moraines; Outwash plains; Kettles; Kames; Basal Ice. 8 entries in: Gornitz, V. (ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY AND ANCIENT ENVIRONMENTS. (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht).

Parkes, A.A., Waller, R.I., Knight, P.G., Stimpson, I.G., Schofield D.I. and T. Mason, K.T. (2009) A morphological, sedimentological and geophysical investigation of the Woore Moraine, Shropshire, England. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION 120, 233-244.

Waller, R.I., Murton, J.B. and Knight, P.G. (2009) Basal glacier ice and massive ground ice: different scientists, same science? In Knight, J. and Harrison, S. (eds.) Periglacial and paraglacial environments and processes. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATION 320, 57-69. Geological Society, London.

Knight, P.G. and Cook, S.J. (2008) Glaciohydraulic Supercooling. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 32 (1), 65-71.

Knight, P.G. (2007) Physical Geography: Learning and Teaching in a discipline so dynamic that textbooks can't keep up. GEOGRAPHY 92 (1), 57-61. 

Knight, P.G., Jennings, C.E., Waller, R.I.. and Robinson, Z.P. (2007) Changes in ice-margin processes and sediment routing during ice-sheet advance across a marginal moraine. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER (A) 89 (3) 203-215.  free online

Cook, S.J., Knight, P.G., Waller, R.I., Robinson, Z.P. and Adam, W.G. (2007) The geography of basal ice and its relationship to glaciohydraulic supercooling: Svínafellsjökull, southeast Iceland. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 26 (19-21) 2309-2315.

Knight, P.G. (ed.) (2006) (2009, Paperback ed.) GLACIER SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE
(Blackwell, Oxford. 512p.)

Knight, P.G. and Knight D.A. (2006) Laboratory observations of ice formation and debris entrainment by freezing turbid supercooled water. In Knight, P.G. (ed.) GLACIER SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (Blackwell, Oxford). 

Cook, S.J., Waller, R.I., Knight, P.G. (2006) Glaciohydraulic supercooling: the process and its significance. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 30 (5), 577-588. 

Knight P.G. (2005) GLACIERS AND GLACIAL LANDSCAPES (Geographical Association, Sheffield)
isbn: 1 84377 097 0

Knight, P.G. and Knight D.A. (2005) Laboratory observations of debris-bearing ice facies frozen from supercooled water. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY   51, 337-9 read paper (.pdf file)

Parsons A.J. and Knight, P.G. (2005) HOW TO DO YOUR DISSERTATION IN GEOGRAPHY AND RELATED DISCIPLINES (2nd Edition)  (Routledge, London) 

Knight, P.G. (2004) Glaciers: art and history, science and uncertainty. INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 29 (4), 385-393. DOI: 10.1179/030801804225012527 read abstract

Knight, P.G. and Parsons, A.J. (2003)  HOW TO DO YOUR ESSAYS, EXAMS AND COURSEWORK IN GEOGRAPHY AND RELATED DISCIPLINES  (Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham (now Routledge, London)) 160p.

Knight P.G. (2003) Moraines; Glacial deposition. 2 entries in: Goudie, A. (ed.)  ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF GEOMORPHOLOGY. (Routledge, London).

Knight, P.G. (2003) Classics in Physical Geography revisited - Kamb, B. and LaChapelle, E. 1964: Direct observation of the mechanism of glacier sliding over bedrock. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 27 (1), 107-111.
read paper (.pdf file)

Knight, P.G. (2003) Book Review: Nakawo, M. and others (eds.) Debris covered glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 27 (1), 147-148.

Adam, W.G. and Knight, P.G. (2003)  Identification of basal layer debris in ice-marginal moraines, Russell Glacier,West Greenland. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS.   read paper (.pdf file)

Knight, P.G., Waller, R.I., Patterson, C.J., Jones, A.P. and Robinson, Z.P. (2002) Discharge of debris from ice at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 48 (161), 192-198. read abstract

Knight, P. G.,  Patterson, C. J., and Waller, R. I. (2001) Changes in sediment routing as a consequence of ice-sheet advance, Russell Glacier, Greenland. EOS, TRANS. AGU, 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract. read abstract

Russell, A.J., Knight, P.G. and van Dijk, T.A.G.P. (2001) Glacier surging as a control on the development of proglacial fluvial landforms and deposits, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 28, 163-174.

Knight, P.G. (2001) Book Review: Maltman, A.J., Hubbard, B.Y. and Hambrey, M.J. eds. 2000, Deformation of glacial materials. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 47 (156), 163-164.

Knight, P.G., Patterson, C.J., Waller, R.I., Jones, A.P. and Robinson, Z.P. (2000)  Preservation of basal-ice sediment texture in ice sheet moraines. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 19 (13), 1255-1258. 
read whole paper     read abstract

Knight, P.G., Waller, R.I., Patterson, C.J., Jones, A.P. and Robinson, Z.P. (2000) Glacier advance, ice-marginal lakes and routing of meltwater and sediment: Russell Glacier, Greenland. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 46 (154), 423-426. 
read abstract

Waller, R., Hart, J.K., and Knight, P.G. (2000) The influence of tectonic deformation on facies variability in stratified debris-rich basal ice. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS

Knight, P.G. (1999) GLACIERS  (Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham (now Routledge, London)) 261p.

Knight, P.G. and Knight, D.A. (1999) Experimental observations of subglacial debris entrainment into the vein network of polycrystalline ice. GLACIAL GEOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY
read abstract

Knight, P.G. and Hubbard, B.Y.  (1999) Ice facies: a case study from the basal ice facies of the Russell Glacier, Greenland ice sheet. in: Jones, A.P., Tucker, M.E. and Hart, J.K. (eds.) The description and analysis of Quaternary stratigraphic field sections. Technical Guide 7, Quaternary Research Association, London. 295 pp. 

Knight, P.G. (1998) Glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 22 (3) 407-411.
selections from the text

Knight, P.G. (1997) The basal ice layer of glaciers and ice sheets. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 16, 975-993

Knight, P.G. (1997)  Glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 21 (3) 434-439.

Knight, P.G. (1996) Glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 20 (3) 345-350. 

Knight, P.G. (1995) Debris structures in the basal ice exposed at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet. BOREAS 24, 11-12.
abstract and photo.

Knight, P.G. and Parsons, A.J. (1995) Student participation in course design and content  in Ward, A., and Jenkins, A., DEVELOPING A SKILL-BASED CURRICULUM: CASE-STUDIES OF GOOD PRACTICE Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Paper 89, 93-96 

Knight, P.G. (1995) Glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 19 (2) 249-254. 

Parsons A.J. and Knight, P.G. (1995)  HOW TO DO YOUR DISSERTATION IN GEOGRAPHY AND RELATED DISCIPLINES (1st Edition)  (Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham (now Routledge, London)) 151p.

Knight, P.G. (1994) A simple learn-as-you-play board game. TEACHING GEOGRAPHY 19 (1), 19-21. 

Knight, P.G., Sugden, D.E. and Minty, C. (1994) Ice flow around large obstacles as indicated by basal ice exposed at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet.  JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 40 (135), 359-367. 

Knight, P.G. (1994) Two-facies interpretation of the basal layer of the Greenland ice sheet contributes to a unified model of basal ice formation. GEOLOGY 22 (11), 971-974.  abstract 

Knight, P.G. and Knight D.A. (1994) Glacier sliding, regelation water flow, and development of basal ice. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY 40 (136), 600-601. extracts

Knight, P.G. and Russell A.J. (1993) Most recent observations of the drainage of an ice-dammed lake at Russell Glacier, West Greenland, and a new hypothesis regarding mechanisms of drainage.  JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY vol. 39 no. 133 pp701-703 

Knight, P.G. (1993) Glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 17 (3) 349-353 

Knight, P.G. (1993) The geography of field research in Iceland. SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE 109 (3) 180-186

Knight, P.G.and Thompson D.A. (1992) Big savings at the ice margin . GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE Vol.LXIV No.1 pp22-26

Knight, P.G. (1992) Glaciers. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 16 (1) 85-89. 

Knight, P.G. (1992) Ice deformation very close to the ice-sheet margin in West Greenland. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY Vol. 38 no.128 pp3-8 

Knight, P.G. and Parsons A.J.  (1991) Finding out in physical geography: a question of science? TEACHING GEOGRAPHY Vol.16 No.1 pp.15-17. 

Knight, P.G.and Tweed F.S. (1991) Periodic drainage of ice-dammed lakes as a result of variations in glacier velocity.  HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Vol.5 No.2 pp.175-184. 

Parsons, A.J and Knight, P.G. (1990) Crisis in Education. NATURE Vol.346 No.6282 p.310. (correspondence) 

Knight, P.G. (1989) Stacking of basal debris layers without bulk freezing-on: isotopic evidence from West Greenland. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY Vol.35 No.120 

Knight, P.G. (1988) The basal ice and debris sequence at the margin of an equatorial ice cap; El Cotopaxi, Ecuador. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER Vol.70A No.1 pp.9-13.

Knight, P.G. (1988) Teaching and research: author's reply to comments. AREA Vol.20 No.3 

Knight, P.G., Weaver, R. and Sugden. D.E. (1987) Using LANDSAT MSS data for measuring ice sheet retreat. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING Vol.8 no.7 p.1069-1074

1987 A computer program for glacier surface plane-strain analysis. (with L.D.Williams) JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY Vol.33 No.114 p.249. 

1987 Structural controls on tor location, St.Mary's, Isles of Scilly. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION PAPER No.9. 

1987 A computer program for plane-strain analysis. (with L.D.Williams) ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION PAPER No.10. 

1987 Stable isotopes and debris in basal glacier ice, South Georgia, Southern Ocean. (with D.E.Sugden and two others) JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY Vol.33 No.115 pp.324-329. 

1987 The relationship between teaching and research. AREA Vol.19 No.4 pp.350-352 

1987 Observations at the edge of the Greenland ice sheet; boundary condition implications for modellers. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES PUBLICATION 170, pp.359-366. 

1987 Evidence for two zones of debris entrainment beneath the Greenland ice sheet. (with D.E.Sugden and five others) NATURE Vol.328 no.6127 pp.238-241. 

1986 Why doesn't Geography do something? AREA Vol.18 No.4 pp.333-334 

1985 A jokulhlaup near Sondre Stromfjord, West Greenland, and some effects on the ice-sheet margin. (with D.E.Sugden and C.M.Clapperton) JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY, Vol.31 No.109, pp.366-368.


2009 Allen, D., Knight, P.G. and Burke, M. Inspirational Landscapes. Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, Manchester.

2005 Cook, S.J., Knight, P.G., Waller, R.I. and Adam, W.G. The role of glaciohydraulic supercooling in the formation of debris-rich basal ice: insoghts from particle-size analysis. British Sedimentological Research Group Annual Meeting.

2005 Knight, P.G., Jennings, C.E., Waller, R.I. and Robinson, Z.P. Ice-sheet advance across marginal moraines. Implications for basal ice sequences, sediment flux and geomorphology. International Glaciological Society British Branch meeting, University of Northumbria, September 2005.

2005 Cook, S.J. Knight, P.G., Waller, R.I.,  Knight, D.A., Adam, W.G. and Robinson, Z.P. The role of glaciohydraulic supercooling in basal ice formation. International Glaciological Society British Branch meeting, Northumbria University, September 2005.

2005 Cook, S.J., Adam, W.G., Knight, P.G. and Waller, R.I. Sedimentological  investigation into basal ice formation by glaciohydraulic supercooling.International Conference on Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Products. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, August 2005.

2005 Cook, S.J.; Knight, D.A.; Knight, P.G.; Waller, R.I. Field and laboratory investigations into basal ice formation by freeze-on of supercooled water. Contribution to General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna. Abstract CD-ROM: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 7, (2005) abstract EGU05-A-02240.

2004 Knight, P.G. and Knight, D.A. Field and laboratory observations of ice formed by freezing supercooled water. International Glaciological Society. British Branch Meeting, Sheffield, September 2004.

2004  Knight, P.G. and Knight, D.A. Field observations and laboratory simulations of basal ice formed by freezing of supercooled subglacial water. Invited contribution to AMICS (Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics and climatic change: Modelling and Ice Composition Studies) workshop "Dynamic Interaction between the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Subglacial Environment", Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, April 2004. Sponsored by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO). Abstract here

2001  Knight, P. G.,  Patterson, C. J., and Waller, R. I. (2001) Changes in sediment routing as a consequence of ice-sheet advance, Russell Glacier, Greenland. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2001. EOS TRANS. AGU, 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract. read abstract