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Peter's School Reports
King Edward VI School, Birmingham,  1972-1979.

Christmas 1972 (age 11): first report

English: Still rather diffident - he's no need as he's a competent worker. His writing shows increasing fluency and with more confidence he could do well.

History: He shows interest and has done well.

Geography: Good in test and class, but his written work needs improvement.

French: He is beginning to make progress after a rather uncertain start. With care and thoroughness I am sure he can do quite well.

Mathematics: He works well but must understand basic ideas; his written solutions lack care and detail.

Physics Chemistry and Biology: He has shown a good interest but would do well to improve the standard of work presentation.

Art and Design: He is working steadily and he is making pleasing progress.

Form master: He made an uncertain start, but has settled down and is making good progress in all subjects. He must make a particular effort in Mathematics. This is an encouraging report, and I hope it will give him more confidence.

House Master: This is a very competent start to his career here. I hope he is encouraged to commit himself fully all along the line. His contribution to House chess is much appreciated.


Summer 1973 (age 12)

English: Gradually he has relaxed and steadily he has improved; so that he's now a pretty competent, as well as forthcoming, character. He needs to be just a shade better organised, methinks.

History: He has shown a lively interest but finds some difficulty with memorisation.

Geography: Quite good: I just feel that he has enough ability to do better.

Latin: He has worked steadily and carefully without greatly exerting himself. I think that he could do better if he drove himself harder. His knowledge of the basics is fairly secure.

French: Rather disappointing. He does not seem to organise himself to work as well as he might. He must be much more careful and determined if he is to make a success of this subject.

Mathematics: He has a poor understanding of the basic ideas and techniques; more determination and detail are required in his work.

Physics, Chemistry and Biology: He has coped well with the subject matter but he really must try to hand in work on time.

Art and Design: He is making progress at these activities; with rather greater determination and steady effort he will do really well.

Form Master: He has made some progress, but not enough. He must discipline and organise himself in his work, and make a more determined effort. The remarks of his French and Maths masters are particularly worrying: immediate action, i.e. revision during the holidays, is required.

House Master: He must take his form master's advice: he might also widen his range of interests, and sample some school societies.

Chief Master: Likeable but too easy-going.


Summer 1976 (age 15)

English: A steady year's work but rather diffident in class. I hope his confidence grows next year.

History: He has worked hard throughout the year and made good progress. I hope he maintains this effort.

Geography: Although there is still room for improvements he has completed a very thorough and encouraging year's work, and deserves the James Smith prize.

Latin: He has had a very good year, showing a mature approach to literary appreciation and firm control of the language.

French: He has worked conscientiously and is making steady progress.

Mathematics: He has worked conscientiously and made satisfactory progress.

Physics: He has worked hard despite many difficulties with this subject. He produced some good examination scripts, and I am sure that he will continue to improve next year. On the whole, a good year's work.

Chemistry: He has worked hard to overcome the difficulties he finds in the subject. On the whole a good year's work.

Technical Drawing: Despite problems, he has worked well to reach this grade.

Form Master: He can be very pleased with this report. He has approached his problems with energy and determination and deserves to do very well. A very likeable member of the form.

House Master: Good. He is a pleasantly co-operative member of the community.

Chief Master: This is encouraging. Well done.


Christmas 1976 (age 15)

English: He shows an intelligent and mature approach. Working quite nicely. He could, I feel, do even better.

History: He has worked steadily throughout the term and maintained a fairly good standard in his written work.

Geography: He has produced sound work throughout the term. Now his written answers need more penetration and care to ensure improvement.

Latin: A sound and efficient performance.

Mathematics: A good solid term's work, although he still has some weaknesses in his algebra. Further hard work is essential for a good pass.

Physics: He has worked hard and made excellent progress.

Chemistry: He is quietly efficient and has worked very well this term. I hope he keeps this up.

Form Master: He can be well pleased with this report. His attitude to schoolwork and other areas of school life is good, and he displays an increasingly mature nature. A cheerful and responsible member of the form.

House Master: He is responsive and eminently sensible: a very pleasing report.

Chief Master: Well done.


Summer 1977 (age 16)

English: He has shown an intelligent and cheerful attitude and has produced good work.

History: He is keen and conscientious. He deserves to do well.

Geography: His work has nearly always been of a very high standard and he fully deserves to gain a top grade. Well done!

Latin: He has worked hard and with enthusiasm all year and deserves to do very well.

French: He has worked well, but there have been lapses into carelessness.

Mathematics: Although he has a good understanding of the wok, he is very careless on paper, and this might bring his grade down.

Physics: He has worked very hard and made good progress.

Chemistry: A conscientious and hard working boy - he deserves to do well.

Form Master: A good all round performer; there is not much wrong with his attitude or achievement. He is a mature and well-balanced personality, willing to communicate and always very cheerful.

House Master: He has yet, I feel, to offer full commitment to the House, which is somewhat surprising in view of the tone of this report. What he has done has been good, but just a bit more involvement please!

Chief Master: Useful progress. He is mature for his years.


Summer 1979 (age 18)

Human Geography: Attainment B, Industry +. His standards in written answers have been too erratic in spite of his obvious enthusiasm and careful organisation. At his best he is very good indeed and I am confident that he will do himself full justice.

Physical Geography: Attainment B, Industry +. His essays have shown a methodical and well-organised approach to the subject. He has recently worked hard to develop better expression and deserves to do well.

English Literature: Attainment B, Industry +. He is capable of writing extremely well and often does so. A weakness has sometimes been that what he has regarded as his really good stuff has been like glittering tinsel. But when he's doing a professional job he does it well. Sometimes he takes his essays in too leisurely a style to get enough substance into them, but when he wants to he can write most efficiently.

European History: Attainment B, Industry +. His work has been generally sound enough but his essays have usually lacked the penetration and polish which would be needed to lift them into the highest grade. He has never seemed to be completely confident in this subject.

English History: Attainment B, Industry +. He has worked steadily and conscientiously throughout. Essay construction has at times proved to be a difficulty. This has not prevented him, however, from producing some essays of a high standard.

Geology: Attainment A, Industry +. He has worked steadily and developed a good understanding of the subject.

General Studies Poetry: Attainment A, Industry +. He participated usefully in the seminars.

Form Master: Although he has apparently not produced consistently top grade work I hope this is partly explained by his commitment to various activities which consume much of his time. Careful thought about his priorities may be needed for September.

House Master: He has been invaluable as organiser of Tutor Group sessions and has keenly participated in House cricket. There have been times when I feel he could have used his obvious talents a little more purposefully. A most pleasant and engaging personality.

Chief Master: A very respectable level of achievement. However, excellence is needed to prise open the door to Christ Church! I am confident he is capable of doing so.


Christmas 1979 (age 18): final report

Geomorphology: Attainment A. Industry +. Peter has maintained a good work rate this term with evidence of much improvement in more penetrative written answers and in his ability to argue his case in discussions. His enthusiasm for the subject and depth of knowledge are most encouraging. I hope he has again managed to do himself justice in the examinations as he is certainly capable of gaining a place at Oxford.

Biogeography: Attainment A. Industry +. Peter has worked extremely well during this preparation period. His style and fluency in written work have continued to develop, and he has built up an excellent background knowledge, particularly in climate studies. His thoughtful personality has encouraged the development of a calm geographical insight into geographical matters. He fully deserves to do well in the forthcoming test papers.

Human Geography: Attainment A. Industry +. An excellent term of work that reflects considerable personal motivation. Peter has refined his ideas and concepts and has only to muster his knowledge to the tasks in hand to achieve a well-deserved place. The very relaxed, pleasant and helpful manner will stand him in excellent stead in his forthcoming university career.

General Studies: Attainment A. Industry +. At his best he is really quite accomplished in his essay work.

Form Master: Peter has maintained a high level of academic achievement combined with an unfailingly cheerful and reliable disposition throughout his sixth form career. My sincere thanks for all of his help in the Department and good wishes for the future.

House Master: He combines a friendly and reliable disposition with a willingness to work hard and responsibly in academic and House activity. He takes with him our very best wishes for the future.

Librarian: Peter has been an outstanding librarian; I am indebted to him for all his thorough work and friendly assistance.

Chief Master: This is a very pleasing final report. I hope Oxford smiles upon him. Many thanks to him for his work for K.E.S. and all good wishes for the future.