W.G.Hoskins (1955) wrote in “The Making of the English Landscape” that:
“One may liken the English Landscape, especially in a wide view, to a symphony, which it is possible to enjoy as an architectural mass of sound… …but if instead of hearing merely a symphonic mass of sound we isolate the themes as they enter, to see how one by one they are intricately woven together… the total effect is immeasurably enhanced. So it is with landscapes of the historic depth and physical variety that England shows almost everywhere.”
Austin Miller (1955), in his book “The Skin of the Earth” wrote:
“The landscape has been compared to a symphony whose various elements, subtly interwoven, combine to assault the senses with a pleasure of fine sound... If this is so then a map is to the landscape as the printed score is to the symphony. To enjoy the interplay of harmonies and rhythm most of us must hear the symphony played by a full orchestra; to appreciate the blending of its elements we must go out and view the landscape”
The composer Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) wrote:
“The symphony should be like the world: it must embrace everything."