MAY 5th, 2512.
"Thank you all for coming at such short notice. We seem to have something
of an emergency, and we have been asked to deal with it immediately.
This is Commander Stuart from Global Time Control; I'll let him put you
in the picture."
"Thanks Professor, I'll try and explain what the problem is, and hope
that you people can figure out what to do about it.
"At the end of the twenty-second century the Euramericans carried out
an experimental series of time-travel trials. The advent of near light-speed
travel had made possible a certain degree of time-warping in space flight,
and the Euramerican Space Agency made some progress in bringing back experimental
subjects from interstellar space flights with virtually no aging. They
started with atomic timing devices, then tried it with living organisms.
Eventually they could send a rat or a monkey off into space and it would
come back a year later having aged no more than a day or two. Finally,
to see once and for all whether this was a genuine time-warp effect or
just a slow-aging phenomenon, they tried it with a man. The subject was
a Captain John Carver, a test pilot with the military orbital fleet. It
was all top secret stuff, just a handful of Space Agency and military personnel
knew anything about it. Carver never came back. They lost him. They'd never
managed to keep a trace on any of the ships throughout the whole of a journey
because the speeds and distances involved were beyond their tracking capability
at that time. With Carver, the ship just never showed up again. The experiments
were closed down for a while, and with the political upheavals of the 2190's,
the whole idea was just forgotten about. Until the twenty-fourth century
there was no research into the possibility of time travel, and now, of
course, the use of time warping for anything other than linear propusion
is illegal.
"It was all top secret stuff. Just a handful of personnel knew anything about it"
"The problem is this: for the last few months we've been getting odd
readings from the PFM, the Potential Futures Monitor, on the Solar
Orbiter. As you know, the orbiter sits in a sort of permanent time
warp that it creates for itself by interfering the gravitational and magnetic
solar fields. It picks up all sorts of time-warp chatter, billions of data
bits per minute, but we manage to isolate particular signals that are generated
from different points in time. For example, we sometimes pick up short-travel
radio waves of a type that can only have been generated during specific
periods of earth history, or radiation values that relate to particular
astronomical events from the past. Using these we can calibrate the PFM
and get a broad idea of when the readings must date from. Occasionally,
normally three or four times a day, we can isolate readings that relate
to our own immediate future. Sometimes it's stuff from tomorrow, sometimes
it's from twenty years ahead. The readings are often contradictory,
and we seem to be picking up alternative futures. We've not got to a stage
of being able to distinguish the different potential futures from each
other, or even to identify anything very specific about what the readings
mean in terms of what's actually happening on Earth, but we've got general
indications. For example, we picked up a massive radiation event last year,
generated about six months ahead. We were able to pin it down to the mid-Pacific,
and figured it had to come from the Hawaii submarine generator. We warned
them that something was up, and it turned out there was a maintenance problem
that no one had spotted. If it had been left the whole generator would
have blown. Obviously they fixed it, and that potential future never actually
"Lately, the number of potential futures we've been isolating from
the PFM has decreased. We still get all sorts of stuff in the near-term,
but nothing far ahead. At first we thought it was some kind of ranging
problem, but we eliminated that because we still get distant futures turning
up, just none for the Earth. It became clear last month that there is a
specific date beyond which we are getting no readings at all for the Earth.
Solar and Astronomical data are still coming in, but there are no surface
energy readings from this planet. Nothing anthropogenic. There's no sign
of life on Earth beyond the early part of 2515. That's three years from
now. It's particularly worrying that this termination is the only Earth
future we're picking up. At the moment there are no alternative futures
on our screens.
"We have one clue to what's going on. We started to register the termination
very abruptly on March 29th. At exactly the same time Global Time Control
registered an unauthorised time warp event, the first one since we started
monitoring nearly fifty years ago, and the Global Surveillance Platforms
picked up radiation signals that didn't match any contemporary technology
on Earth. They matched the kind of signal you'd get from pre-warp nuclear
propulsion units. We've not used anything like that for hundreds of years.
"We've got no sensible explanations for what we're picking up from
the futures monitor. The only explanation that fits is almost incredible.
We think John Carver and his ship have finally come back to Earth. They
are three hundred years late, and somehow they have brought with them the
destruction of life on Earth."
MAY 11th
"Mr. President, Chief Secretary Glendale, Commander Stuart. With my
colleagues at the Space Propulsion Institute I have considered during the
last week the problem which Commander Stuart outlined to us at our
last meeting. Appreciating the urgency of the situation and also
its global significance at every conceivable level, we considered it surprising
that your request for help should have been directed to us. Our research
is concerned solely with space propulsion technology, and our responsibility
is specific to the Euramerican government, not to the Global Community.
The Global Administration Satellite has its own research centre, which
seemed to us a more obvious group to coordinate research on this problem.
However, Commander Stuart appraised me of certain circumstances which underscore
the particular interest of the Euramerican administration in this matter,
and indicated to us some specific approaches to the problem which Euramerica
might be uniquely well placed to pursue but singularly reluctant to see
coordinated by Global Administration. With those specific constraints,
which you will forgive me calling political, in mind, I have directed my
colleagues to devote their attention to a particular solution which will
serve the global purpose of our mission and at the same time preserve the
position of Euramerica, and of the present administration, without compromise.
"Since the commissioning of the Global Surveillance Platforms no time-warp
experimentation has been possible except in the context of interstellar
flight. We can use time-warp technology to reduce journey-times to practical
lengths, but we cannot translate that technology into anything resembling
actual time travel. Nevertheless, our propulsion-related research has put
us in a strong position to consider, from a purely theoretical point of
view of course, the possibility of time travel."
"Professor," interrupted Commander Stuart, "it is hardly necessary
to point out that all of us here have Euramerica Command security clearance;
the President and the Chief Secretary are fully aware of all the research
that your institute has been pursuing in recent years. You can speak quite
"Very well. Gentlemen, time travel is not only a theoretical possibility,
but a practical reality. We have the technological capability at our disposal,
and lack nothing but operational testing of the apparatus. Any test would
generate warp activity that would be detectable by Global Surveillance,
and if our work were discovered it would not only be politically embarassing
but could be enough to threaten interzonal political stability. We know
that the Muslims have equivalent capability, and whichever of us
uses it first, the other is likely to join in. The chaos that would inevitably
follow is the reason that the international testing ban was implemented.
Nevertheless, within days we can be in a position to send a man backwards
or forwards any distance we want, and to bring him back again.
"One solution to our problem, therefore, could be to send someone back
to the twenty-second century to stop Carver's mission. The problem
with sending someone backwards in time is that their presence in the past
would inevitably change history, and it is almost certain that the present
with which we are familiar would not arise from the new version of events.
We ourselves would quite possibly not exist. The risks involved in that
sort of operation are too great to contemplate, so we can eliminate such
plans at once, except as an ultimate resort to save the planet at the cost
of its recent history and possibly of our own existence.
"A more satisfactory conclusion could be reached, less obviously, by
sending someone forward into the future. Their mission would be to find
out exactly what happens to terminate the Earth and, if possible, to identify
Carver's connection with the termination. When we bring our man back we
will have the information we need to interfere with that connection and
to prevent the termination.
The President was uncomfortable with the idea of using time travel.
It confused him. On the one hand he was sure that one day someone would
break the treaty and that there would be a bizarre time-hopping war with
each side going backwards further and further to make their 'first strike'.
On the other hand he wondered how it was that there was no one coming back
into the present time, or into previous history from the future. If time
travel happened, it would affect all times at once, and would already have
occurred. Whatever the case, he was reluctant to go down in history books,
if history books continued to exist, as the President who started it all.
"Why can't we find Carver now? You'd expect he'd want to be found if
he thinks he's just completed a historic mission. He has just completed
a historic mission. A man and a space ship from three hundred years ago
can't be that hard to find."
"The real-time solution is unlikely to work, Mr.President. By the time
it becomes apparent to us what is going to happen it will almost certainly
be too late to prevent it. Only by fetching information from the future
will we be able to prevent that future from occurring."
"And if the information we bring back isn't enough? Suppose it is already
too late to prevent whatever is going to happen? Isn't that what you were
getting at, Stuart, when you said that the Potential Futures Monitor
wasn't giving any alternatives? We only know about this problem because
there's no way out of it and that's why all you data for the future is
blank, rather than just having some blank patches for some of the possible
"You are quite right, Mr.Pesident. At the moment we can see no alternatives.
Our only hope is that futures can be changed. Before March 29th this year
the futures all looked OK, then suddenly something happened to change that.
We think the only way that can happen is with a time warp. Carver took
history itself by surprise. We hope that our man going forward might do
the same. We'll know as soon as we send him. If the futures all stay blank
after he's gone, then we cannot succeed."
"And then what?"
"It will be up to you, Mr. President, to decide whether to issue the
order to send someone backwards. At that time I see no disadvantage in
consulting with the Global Administration. Whatever each of the powers
has to hide, things will change as soon as we send someone back. If you
are forced to consider that option, contemporary politics will cease to
be an issue."
MAY 15th
Aaron Thomson, Euramerican Strategic Command, was to be the man. He
had been involved with the situation from an early stage as a situations
officer attached to Global Time Control, and had an active service background
of field operations with Space Fleet. He was briefed and brought up to
speed on the whole situation as soon as the decision to procede with the
so called 'futures option' was made. Spielman, chief technician on the
time warp apparatus, took him through the transport procedure just a few
hours before send-time.
"It's kind of unnerving not having any controls."
"There's nothing for you to control, Colonel Thomson. We'll look after
everything, you just sit back and enjoy the trip. It's pretty much automatic
once the computers are switched in."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just like hearing you tell me it will all be
ok. I'm a bit of an old dog for these kinds of tricks. This is new territory
to me, you know."
"It's new to all of us, Colonel"
"Except Carver. Take me through it one more time, ok?"
"OK. First, you do nothing. We'll put you to sleep and give you something
to make you dream sweet dreams. Your brain activity has to be much higher
than normal conscious levels because thats what the computer uses to fix
your original position in the compartment. Then you wake up and it's three
years from today. You'll be back here and so will we, but we'll be three
years older and you won't. It'll be wierd, because to you it'll seem
like straight away.
"At that time it may be that we will have already solved the problem
by some other means. In that case you just stay there. You lose three years."
"I presume they still count to my pension."
"If we have not solved the problem, you just stick around till, presumably,
we all die sometime around the middle of that year. Your job will be to
learn all you can about how the problem develops. Meanwhile the time-warp
apparatus amplifies your brain activity to the solar orbiter, and as soon
as that activity is interrupted, either because you die or because the
apparatus is destroyed, the interruption triggers a reversal of the time
warp that sent you out, and should bring you back."
"And it doesn't matter if the termination destroys the time-warp apparatus
in 2515 because the whole operation is handled by the apparatus here in
"Right, and it doesn't matter if the reversal wipes your memory of
2515 because you're tied in to a data logger that will record all your
brain activity; it will be your memory. You won't come back dead because
the solar orbiter will pluck you from the jaws, so to speak; but if you
did, it would still be OK because the data logger will know everything
that you know. I mean OK from a planetary perspective, of course."
"Yeah, right! And the you that I leave behind me in 2515?"
"When you get back, that won't have happened yet. Everything that we
for the next three years until you turn up in 2515 might be wiped out and
re-run differently if you come back to 2512 to let us do it again. All
we'll know is that a few moments after we send you, you'll be back. You'll
know all sorts of stuff about us that will never actually happen, second
time around. Tell you what; if you get there and I seem to be having a
great time and the problem's gone away, just leave me, but if I'm dead
or sick or something, make sure you come back and let me try it again."
"Ok, Spielman. For you I'll wipe out three years of Earth history,
just so you can do all those parties over again! If you've got an urge
to do anything really bad, the next three years could be your chance to
get away with it."
"I'll do my best. Hey, you've got three hours. Go and pack your tooth-brush."
Send time was two o'clock. Thomson was unconscious by one thirty and
positioned in the warp apparatus. The apparatus was a singularly unimpressive
looking piece of technology, resembling a rigid glass sponge about the
size of half a dozen large double beds piled on top of one another. The
material of which it was made was transparent, but the spongey structure
of the block made it almost opaque. In the centre of the block was
a tube-shaped hollow just large enough to hold a man. Thomson was placed
into this hollow like a body in a morgue-tube.
Chief Secretary Glendale nodded his head, and Spielman pressed the
final authorisation code into the control terminal. Glendale, Stuart, a
representative from the President's office, five members of Spielman's
technical staff, Institute Chief Miklenborn, his deputy, a medical unit,
and two security androids saw the blurred outline of Thomson's body in
the block melt slowly into the general translucency of the sponge. It was
difficult to tell the exact moment when he went, but after a few seconds
it was clear that he had gone.
"If he's coming back," said Spielman, "it should be about now.”
Thomson woke up very, very slowly. The drugs that Spielman had given
him took twelve hours to clear, and then natural sleep took over to keep
Thomson unconscious for about six hours more. When he eventually began
to surface, he knew even before he was fully awake that he had an almighty
hangover. In that period of waking when the sleeper can tell that
he is back in the real world, but still has a grip on sleep if he wishes
to lapse back into it, Thomson kept his eyes closed partly because he wanted
to hear Spielman's voice before he committed himself to reality and partly
because he could tell that the light beyond his eyelids was a little bright
for a man in his delicate condition.
Slowly he focussed his senses on the sounds around him. He related
them one by one to the operations of the time-warp apparatus and the paraphenalia
of the laboratory. He could pick out the computer drives; the gravitronics
in the warp-block; the building systems generator. There was something
else, too. He couldn't place it. Was everything in 2515 much as it had
been in 2512? Suddenly he thought it felt colder than he expected. Where
the hell was Spielman? Oh, hell; here goes! He opened his eyes.
For a moment he lay motionless. He was lying on his back with his head
tilted to one side. He closed his eyes again. Tight. He tried once
more to focus on all the sounds and feelings around him. He could hear
the electronic whirrings of the warp apparatus. He was sure of it. He could
hear the more remote hushy chattering of the computer drives and the whispered
droning of the ventilation draw.
He opened his eyes again, and sat bolt upright.
He was sitting on a low, moss-covered mound of coarse, black gravel.
The mound rose about three metres above the level of the surrounding country.
A landscape of subdued hummocks and dips, sparsely covered with moss and
grassy vegetation, stretched away from him in all directions. In front
of him and away to his left, the black plain stretched out of sight, interrupted
only by patches of mist clinging to the lowest ground, and by occasional
silvery pools of water. In the far distance the horizon was shimmering
very slightly, as if there might be sunlight on water. To the right, a
low ridge rose from the plain, and as Thomson swung around to follow the
line of it behind him, it grew into dark, jagged peaks rising a few hundred
metres. He judged the foot of the mountains to be about three or four kilometers
away. Features were hard to distinguish; there was cloud rolling across
the front of the mountains, and as Thomson swung further around to his
right the outlook was obscured by distant rain. Fragments of low cloud
scudded across the plain, almost brushing the crests of the stony mounds.
Overhead, the sky was thick with rolling grey sheets of cloud that threatened
rain. The ground was damp, and droplets of water stood out on the stones
and the blades of grass. Thomson could feel the moisture through his trousers.
The cool fresh air was astringent in his lungs. His head was pounding and
he felt a dizzy sickness. He decided, for the moment, not to stand up.
A breeze whispered across the gravel and brushed the grass. The longer
stalks, bent over by the rain, drew tiny arcs in the sand as they were
swung around. Somewhere not far away, hidden amongst the rises and falls
of the land, a river gurgled and gushed through rocks. The sound of the
river rose and fell on the breeze, and with it came another sound, harder
to define; something familiar, but out of place.
This was not what Thomson had expected. Ideas raced through his head.
The warp apparatus was not capable of linear transport, so he had to be
in the same place he started from. He had to be at the Propulsion Institute;
or at the place where the Institute was. Or where it would be. If
this was 2515, then something had happened to bring forward the termination
date, and he was too late. Otherwise this was not 2515, and he was lost;
not in space, but in time. His best guess was that the warp apparatus had
overshot; he was sometime post-termination. Evidently the planet was still
here, just none of the life that was on it. But there was moss, and grass;
Thomson thought aloud "may be it's beginning to regenerate."
The sound of his own voice sounded strange to him. "Hangover." He stood
up, gently, and looked around. Just beside the mound on which he stood,
in a hollow which had be hidden from view while he was sitting down, was
a pool of water. He half walked, half slid down the gravelly bank to the
water's edge. Cupping his hands, he sipped the water. It seemed ok. He
drank, and splashed water over his face. As he crouched over the water,
drips falling from his face and hair onto the surface of the pond, he saw
his own shakey reflection in the ripples. He gazed down at the reflection
as the water cleared.
At first only the general form and the colours were clear, then quite
abruptly he focussed sharply on the image. His own face stared back at
him out of the water. Startled, he drew in a sharp breath. The face that
stared back out of the water was his, but it was unfamiliar. It was him,
but not at 30 years old. He stared hard at the reflection. The face was
thinner, a little harder than before. The lines around the eyes and mouth
were etched a little deeper. The light blue eyes were as sharp, but the
prominent brows above were touched now with grey among the rusty brown.
This was a man in his forties, or may be even fifty.
Thomson's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Something was seriously wrong.
Time travel using the warp apparatus should not cause any aging,
however far the time throw. He stared down at his hands, still cupping
water. They seemed gnarled, tougher skinned than he remembered, and more
tanned. The fingernails were short and worn rough. His hands were dirty;
not just surface dirt from the black gravel, but deep-worn long-term grime.
They were like the hands of a man who worked out of doors in all weathers.
He felt his face. It seemed rough, leathery. He stooped forward again
and stared closely at the reflection. His skin was tanned, and stubble
covered his jaw. His hairline was a little higher on his forehead
than before, and his hair fell in long curves across his face. He swept
the hair back with his hand, and was startled to see, and feel, a long
deep scar running down the side of his face from above his temple,
past the corner of his eye, and onto his cheekbone. It was old, like a
battle-scar. He stood up and looked down at himself. His tunic was as worn
and dirty as he was himself; the insignia were faded, and the trouser-cuffs
frayed. His boots were scuffed, and when he lifted up his feet to check,
the soles were well worn.
He reached up to his breast pocket. "Damn." There should have been
a note book and a timeline bleeper, but they were missing. He felt inside
his other pockets. Nothing. He could feel his identity disc on its chain
around his neck, and his old fashioned mechanical time-watch was on his
wrist, but a document pouch, his wallet, and some other personal items
that had been in his tunic were missing. He looked again at his hands.
He wore a wedding ring although his wife had left him years before, and
it was in place. He unzipped the front of his tunic and reached inside
his shirt to pull out the identity chain. The metal disc seemed scratched,
but its tiny status-window showed green. He grinned. Wherever or whenever
in the universe this was, his ID was still valid. "Some chance." He went
to shove the chain back inside his shirt, but something got tangled. To
sort it out he pulled the whole chain into view, and in doing so saw something
unfamiliar. As well as the ID disc, there was a small greenish stone threaded
onto the chain. Thomson had no idea what it was.
Holding the stone up to the light, he walked back up the gravel slope
to the top of the mound. He reached the top, where he had awoken a few
minutes before, and looked around at the strange, black landscape. He put
the ID chain, complete with its green stone back inside his shirt, and
zipped up his tunic. He closed his eyes and tilted back his head, face
into the wind. He let the breeze lift the hair away from his face, and
drew in a deep breath.
With his eyes closed he heared again the sound that had seemed familiar
but unidentifiably out of place a few moments before. This time it was
closer. He snapped his eyes open and spun around to face the direction
of the sound. "Dogs?" He had his back to the mountains, facing out onto
the open plain. Scale was hard to judge. He scoured the landscape for the
source of the sound. He was sure it was dogs; like a pack of hunting hounds,
baying and howling. Slowly, a darker cloud distinguished itself amongst
the patches of mist on the plain. With the cloud a sense of movement. Dust,
and a distant drumming like the sound of horses or vehicles moving fast
over the rough ground. The undulating ground obscured Thomson's view as
the dust cloud moved closer, and for a moment the sound diminished. Then
unbelievably close without warning a great clattering rush of howling noise
and blinding dust that choked and deafened like an explosion. Thomson screwed
up his eyes against the blowing sand and crouched down as something swooped
through the opaque swirling air above his head. There was a short piercing
whistle, and a shout, and instantly everything fell silent. Thomson's vision
was blurred by the sand in his eyes, and the dust settled only slowly from
the air. For a few seconds the sound of the river, and of the grass blowing
against the sand in the breeze seemed shockingly loud in the sudden hush.
As his sight cleared, Thomson was astonished by what he saw.
"Loose the cord that binds. I am Thurl. This is my pack. We are Thirungu."
Thomson stared in disbelief. Thurl stood directly in front of him,
about ten feet away. He was about five feet tall, broad-chested with a
squarish head and touseled hair. Thomson judged him to be about 40
years old. His short tunic revealed stocky, powerful arms and legs. He
held his arms out in front of him and opened his palms as he spoke his
greeting. Thomson stared as if he was transfixed. As far as he could tell,
Thurl was from head to toe entirely the same colour. His hair, his skin,
his tunic, even his eyes were a deep auburn brown. It was a colour like
polished brickwork, or antique wood. The skin was slightly mottled, like
a leather, and tanned in places to a deeper hue, as if by the sun. The
centre of each eye was a darker brown, and decorative stitching on the
tunic and on the man's soft leather moccasins picked up that darker colour
like a sort of camoflage. Beads of sweat stood out on Thurl's brow, and
he seemed slightly out of breath. As the dust around them settled,
it clung to his moist skin. If the colouring was a camoflage, Thomson thought,
it was not a very good one. The landscape was dominated by stark black
and white. Thurl's rich copper brown seemed strangely out of place.
Thurl stood at the front of his group. With him were half a dozen of
his kind all of the same strange monochrome. Each of them was
accompanied by an animal of a kind that struck Thomson as a mixture of
leopard and horse. The animals were also monochrome, but of a darker colour
than the men. Thurl's mount was almost black. They stood about chest-high
to the Thirungu, but were longer than the men were tall, and evidently
strong enough to carry them. Two of the Thirungu sat astride their animals.
The others stood beside theirs. There were also two sledge-like devices
with an animal harnessed loosely to each one. One of the sledges was covered
over with a coarse-woven blanket that seemed to conceal a bulky load. The
other was empty.
Thomson was searching for some kind of reference; some context to put
these people into perspective and get a fix on where he was. The closest
images he could conjur up were of prehistoric man, or precolonial aboriginals,
but he couldn't think of anything to match the Thirungu. Their stocky,
almost stunted, build; their heads, square as if deformed; and above all
the strange monochrome that extended even to their eyes and teeth, all
made Thomson think of the future, not of history. Was he seeing a post-termination
world? Were these the regenerative life forms?
Thurl dropped his arms to his sides and with a single bound jumped
onto the back of his animal. There seemed to be no reins, but he sat easily,
and the animal seemed almost unaware of his presence.
"This is not our place. We must move quickly. Please ride the board.
If you are not used to the whorl they can be difficult to command."
He smiled and gave his mount a resounding blow on the side of the neck.
The whorl shook its head slightly, shimmering black dust out of its mane.
It made a light mewing sound, like a contented cat, and several of the
other whorl shook their manes and repeated the sound. Thurl chuckled, and
patted the creature again, more gently.
"Thorkal will help you."
Another of the Thirungu stepped forward towards Thomson. He seemed
younger than Thurl, a little taller and more strongly built.
"Unbind the cord," he said "I am Thorkal. Please stay with me."
He held out his palms, as Thurl had done, then turned and walked towards
the sledge.
Thomson stood still. He was wary of leaving this spot. It was the only
point of reference he had to connect him with anything he knew.He felt
almost as if leaving this place would sever his link with home. His rational
mind knew that his spatial location would not pose any problem to the time
warp mechanism. Everything was driven from the lab in 2512 wherever, and
whenever, he went. His subconscious mind was reeling. Thomson was not the
type to experience panic, but at the back of his mind, it was almost that
that he could sense. He looked at the strange group in front of him. Clearly
they were anxious to leave. All except Thorkal were mounted, and the whorl
were suddenly agitated, pawing at the ground and shaking their manes. Thurl's
mount reared and twisted beneath him.
"Where are you going? Where will you take me?"
Thurl shouted above the rising din from the whorl: "We are going home,
Thomson. You must come quickly."
Thorkal ran towards Thomson and took him by the arm. "Forgive me,"
there was urgency in his voice. "We must hurry." His touch seemed
gentle but in a moment Thomson found himself winded and on his back on
the sledge.
The noise was rising to a crescendo, and Thomson could barely raise
his voice above the clamour.
"My name," he shouted, choking on the dust, "how..."
"Do not speak"
Thorkal placed his hand over Thomson's mouth, and effortlessly swung
him upright and around to face the front of the sledge. Amid the clamour
and dust Thomson was suddenly aware that they were moving. Thorkal grasped
the front of the sledge firmly with one hand, and held Thomson tightly
to his chest with the other. In an instant the sensation of movement became
intense. There was no obvious moment of acceleration but suddenly it was
clear that the ground, invisible through the dust, was passing close beneath
them with unbelievabe speed. To the left and right blurred shapes
kept pace with them, and again Thomson had the sensation of something swooping
close overhead. Ahead of them, the whorl at the front of the sledge was
invisible through the dust. Thomson screwed his eyes shut. He tried to
hide his face from the blast of wind and sand and mist but Thorkal held
his head firmly upright.
A sharp slap on the side of his head snapped Thomson's eyes open, and
for a moment he saw Thurl on his whorl just a few feet away. The whorl
was bucking and rearing, leaping in great bounds through the maelstrom.
Thurl had looped one arm around the beast's neck.
"Think the way, Thomson, help the whorl."
"I don't know..."
Thorkal's hand slapped back across Thomson's mouth. Thurl roared with
laughter but the sound was lost in the howl of his whorl as it lurched
forward out of sight into the chaos ahead. As it vanished, another shape,
like a huge bird, seemed to follow. Thomson screwed shut his eyes again,
and made a deliberate effort to stay calm. Uninvited, the memory of an
amusement sensomat when he was a child came back to him. He used to set
the program then pray for it to end. Then he'd set it again. Letting Thorkal
take his weight, he tried to concentrate on the memory and wait for the
ride to end.
Time was hard to judge. It may have been only a few minutes, but the
turmoil of the journey was such that it felt much longer. Speed and distance
were also hard to judge. As abruptly as the journey had begun, Thomson
realised that it was over. He felt Thorkal's grasp relax, and he opened
his eyes to see the Thirungu pack around him much as they had been when
he first saw them. The dust was settling. Thurl and the others were jumping
off their whorl, which stood quietly, sniffing at the air and at the ground.
Thorkal lifted him off the sledge and stood beside him.
"We have done well" said Thurl. He looked at Thomson. "The whorl felt
your strength." He bowed his head slightly. "From here we will be safe.
Soon we will be in our own land."
Thomson looked around him. They were standing on the gravelly shore
of a broad, shallow river. The landscape seeemed much the same as where
the journey had started. The jagged mountains had disappeared, but on three
sides of the group the hummocky plain of black gravel stretched into the
distance. The air was clearer here, and it was possible to judge that the
plain extended for many miles, vanishing beyond the horizon in the direction
from which they had come. In the opposite direction, the river flowed across
their path, black with sediment from the plain. It was punctuated with
flat gravel bars and the water threaded its way through the braids in a
series of narrow channels constantly dividing and rejoining as the
river flowed down stream. The far side of the river ran against a high
terrace that concealed the view beyond.
Thorkal took Thomson's hand in his own. "We will cross the river, then
rest. Our land is three day's walk from here. The whorl have travelled
hard, and will take us no further."
Still holding Thomson's hand, Thorkal took a handful of dirt from the
ground and tossed it high into the air so that the dust settled gently
through the breeze. He squatted down and placed both Thomson's palms flat
to the ground. Calling out to the whole group he said: "Befriend this earth."
Each of the others replied, taking a handful of dust and throwing it into
the air to rain down over them; "Befriend this earth."
The journey with the Thirungu took four days. During that time,
Thomson was able to learn a lot about the Thirungu, but very little about
his own situation. The Thirungu were patient with his questions, and tried
to answer all that they could. It was clear, however, that most of what
he asked made little sense to them. From what they told him Thomson was
able to deduce that the Thirungu were only one of many tribes scattered
across a broad territory, but he could get no indication of the geography
of his surroundings. From the perspective of the Thirungu, their world
was effectively limitless, and areas were differentiated only in broad
subjective terms. As far as any of them had ever travelled, to the boundaries
of their neighbours’ territories or beyond, none of them had encountered
any major geographical boundary of the sort that Thompson tried to describe
to them. They evidently had no conception of such a thing as an ocean,
let alone any global or planetary perspective. Their world simply stretched
off indefinitely into the distance. It became apparent, gradually, that
the journey to collect Thomson was the longest that any of this particular
group had ever made. When pressed, they were vague about their motivation,
and about the source of their knowledge that Thomson had arrived. All that
Thurl would say was: “You should be pleased to have been brought from there
by us.” His tone implied a trepidation verging almost on horror for what
might have happened without their intervention.
As the journey progressed the landscape gradually changed. After
the river-crossing at the end of the flight with the whorl, the topography
softened into a rolling, swelling prairie of bown sandy earth with a brittle
cloak of coarse grasses and low bushes. Where bedrock protruded, it was
a rich golden colour, weathered into rounded, pitted shapes like the walls
of ancient buildings. From time to time, Thurl would call the party to
a halt in the shadow of a river bank or a thicket of trees. Without explanation
they would pause for up to an hour before continuing. Thomson could only
assume that they were avoiding contact with some local inhabitants. When
pressed, Thurl would say “We have no enemies among these people” but would
not elaborate upon his caution. Certainly he did not seem afraid. He acted
almost as if it were a matter of courtesy not to be seen. If contact could
be avoided, perhaps the Thirungu could continue to have no enemies here.
On the final day of the journey, exposed rock began to dominate
the landscape. The group gradually gained height and left the rolling hills
stretching away below them as they climbed to a rocky plateau. The spotting
rain that had greeted Thomson’s arrival on the plain had continued sporadically
throughout the journey. As the group climbed toward the Thirungu plateau
the weather deteriorated. They picked their way through gathering darkness
and steady rain. Rocks towered above their path like sentinels in the gloom.
The moved in single file, making slow progress. Thorkal had given Thomson
a hooded cloak of waxy cloth. He pulled it tight over his head, following
close behind Thurl and walking almost in his footsteps as the track become
progressively rougher. Rivulets of water trickled between the stones
beneath his feet. The sound of the drumming rain mingled with the gushing
of streams among the rocks and the occasional rumble of distant thunder.
Thurl stopped and Thomson nearly stumbled into him. Thurl stood
without a cloak, letting the rain bounce off his skin and trickle off him
as if he were a tree. In the darkness, his colouration matched the shiny
wet rocks almost perfectly. He turned to Thomson with a smile. “We are
Thompson peered ahead past Thurl through the rain. Directly in
front of them the hillside rose into a vertical wall of rock that loomed
up into the scudding clouds and darkness. The rock was deeply weathered,
and smoothed as if by centuries of the type of rain that was driving against
it as Thompson watched. A few bushes, gusted by the wind, clung to the
rock face. Thurl turned forwards again, and headed towards a group of bushes
that huddled around the base of the cliff. As they approached, Thompson
could see that the bushes concealed a low overhang where the rock was weathered
away along a line of weakness. It was the sort of place where, in Thompson’s
world, a few sheep or goats would shelter from the rain. Here there were
no sheep, but the earth beneath the overhang was well trodden, as if by
the passage of many people. Thompson had to stoop to follow Thurl towards
the back of the overhang. It penetrated further than Thompson had anticipated,
and he realised that it was the entrance to a cave that stretched into
the base of the cliff.
Thurl walked upright, Thompson walked at a crouch and held one
hand over his head to gauge the height of the roof. As they moved away
from the entrance the light gradually faded, and the sound of the rain
and the wind were muffled and eventually silenced. For a few moments, Thompson
followed Thurl by sound and touch alone. Gradually, just as the light from
the entrance had faded to nothing, a new light seemed to illuminate the
way ahead, and Thompson sensed that they were heading towards another opening,
as if the cave passed right through the base of the mountain. In the improving
light, the cave stretched like a tunnel for a distance af about one hundred
yards, and then rose abruptly in a series of steps towards the source of
the light. Thompson followed Thurl to the base of the steps, and, looking
up, could see that they led up to a portal or cave entrance a little larger
than the one by which they had entered. The sound of the rain seemed
to have stopped, but from here Thompson could not see beyond the roof of
the cave entrance to judge what lay outside. He looked at Thurl.
“Is this home?”
Thurl looked back at the rest of the Thirungu, as if to check that
they were all accounted for, and then at Thompson.
“Please, Thompson, lead ahead.”
He held out his arm and motioned the way up the steps.
Thompson climbed up towards the light, with the Thirungu in file behind
him. At the top of the steps the opening into the cave was bathed in dazzling
sunlight, and Thompson was too dazzled for a moment to look out. He shaded
his eyes, and stepped out into the mouth of the cave. Thurl stood beside
him, and the other Thirungu stood in a semicircle behind them, gazing out
the the panorama that spread itself before them. Not for the first time
in the last few days, Thompson’s mind raced to catch up with what his eyes
were showing it. Thurl reached up and put his hand on Thompson’s shoulder.
“This is our home. This is Thirungat”
The cave entrance was set high in a rock wall that stretched
away in a huge gentle arc to the left and right, circling around far in
the distance into a vast natural bowl or crater some twenty or thirty miles
across. The floor of the bowl was clothed in a tapestry of fields, woods,
and lakes, with small rocky outcrops where curls of smoke rose from clusters
of huts set against the rock. The whole basin was soaked in golden light
from the setting sun. The atmosphere, rich with evening dew, sparkled with
the colours of a rainbow. It seemed to Thompson as if this was a world
made not of trees and water and earth, but of emeralds and sapphire and
gold. Even the Thirungu themselves, basking in the full light of the low
sun, were infused with a richness of hue that Thompson had not seen in
them before. Their demeanour was also changed, as if the strain of being
in that alien world beyond the walls of their own home was suddenly lifted.
In this sunshine, with this green and golden world wrapped up in its own
rock womb, with the Thirungu looking down on their home, it was hard to
believe that the rest of the world - another world - was still
outside. It made it seem all the more curious to Thompson that the Thirungu
should have ventured out from their home to find him.
Thurl stepped forward. “Come, we can get down before nightfall
and then we can welcome you.”
Of all the little settlements dotted aroundThirungat, the largest
nestled among rocks about a mile from the wall beneath the cave entrance
where Thompson and the Thirungu had emerged. About twenty stone buildings
were placed directly against outcrops of the native stone, the inner recesses
of each penetrating into the rock like a cave. The only building standing
free of the bedrock was a large hall in the centre of the village. The
hall was large enough to hold far more than the fifty or so inhabitants
of this settlement, and Thompson judged that it could probably hold the
entire population of Thirungat. Thurl led Thompson directly to the hall,
while the other Thirungu dispersed to other buildings.
At one end of the hall, a group of Thirungu tended a fire, and
as Thompson and Thurl approached, Thompson recognised that there were men,
women and children, all of a similar square oaken form to the men he had
already met. “This is my family” said Thurl; “join with us.” The greetings
between Thurl and his people were quiet, and seemed to Thompson to be strangely
formal. Each of the adults in turn approached Thompson with palms upturned:
“Loose the cord” said some; others simply said “loose” and bowed their
heads. Within minutes, the other Thirungu re-emerged from their dwellings,
bringing their families with them. Soon, the whole village was gathered
around the fire, and Thirungu from other villages were arriving, lighting
separate fires in different parts of the hall. As each new fire was
lit, one of the arriving Thirungu would bring a burning stick to Thurl’s
fire. Several of the Thirungu approached Thompson with words of greeting.
One of them, a woman somewhat younger than Thurl, having spoken her greeting,
did not return to her group’s fire, but continued to stand beside Thompson.
Thurl said: “This is Lakta. You will remember her first.”
“Be patient, Thompson, and you will remember.”
Thurl raised his voice to get the attention of the whole group.
He stood on a raised block of stone behind the fire that his family had
been tending, and looked out across the flames at the two or three hundred
Thirungu that had gathered.
“These days are always special days for us. Our time runs from
moment to moment, each one in its proper place. When our endings are many
our lives are full. When our endings are few, our time runs weak..” He
looked at Thompson. “Soon you will enjoy the past with us again. And then
we will continue the future.” He turned back to the crowd and shouted “Turn
this ending!” The whole crowd stood, and returned his shout: “Turn this
Thurl stepped down and addressed Thompson: “You do not yet realise
how pleased we are that you are here. You are welcome to stay and eat with
my family if you wish, but...”
“Look, I need to know what...”
“I know. You do not need to explain. You need to sleep, and then
things will be more clear. Lakta will stay with you. Your things are where
you left them.”
“My things?”
“No one has touched anything, since the last time you were here.”
uh... I haven't done chapter 4 yet!