Peter Knight's Web Site
Things for me, friends, family... and passers by

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Meg the Horse...

Meg at Pegasus


Meg was at Pegasus Equestrian Centre at Balterly, near Crewe, for almost a year in 2002-3. Here are a few photo's of Meg, Debbie and other horses and people from the yard.

July 2002 Dressage Evening:
(contact me if you'd like to see a bigger version of any of these, or if you'd like a copy of a photo of yourself or your horse)

Laura and Teddy

Major and Jess

E.J. and Simon

Mu and Emma

E.J. off duty

E.J.on duty



Mu and Simon

Bucephalus and Pam

Trigger and Lucy

The Judges

E.J. and Simon

Trigger and Barbra

Meg and Debbie

Trigger and Lucy


Meg and Debbie

Bucephalus and Pam

Caption Competition!
All photographs by Peter G. Knight,
If you'd like a print of yourself or your horse, just ask!

E.J. and Emma
