
We are looking at the small moments that make up landscapes. Trying to help people to notice. So Geography is about noticing things about the world. And what you notice depends on what you are looking for, and how you look. Our aim is to see more, and to see more clearly. We want to see things that other people can see, as well as what we see ourselves. And things that people before us have seen. That's what Proust called the true voyage of discovery. I have been working with an artist, Miriam Burke. She describes her work as being "the care and maintenance of the web of our noticing". The paying heed of things overlooked. Exploring contemporary notions of where “wilderness” might now reside when the last bit of the world has been mapped, she has put together, amongst other things, a carefully curated collection of lost buttons, found on the street, the location and date of the discovery of each one carefully recorded. We are looking at the small moments that make up landscapes. Trying to help people to notice. To see more. For me, as a teacher, that is the coal face of my work.

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